1- British Association of day Surgery
This website belongs to the British Association of Day Surgery. It is a website that provides education about surgery for patients and professionals and it supports topics related to day surgery. I think some of the contents may be of relevance. The website works fast and nicely. British Association of day Surgery.
2- Sklar Surgical Instruments
This website belongs to a provider of high-quality surgical instruments to doctors, hospitals, and health care agencies worldwide. This is a very useful site for nurses and surgeons as the website keeps them up to date with the latest instruments for use in the surgical field. I have considered it to use to introduce my learners to the different tools available in the market.
3-Encyclopedia of Surgery
The Encyclopedia of Surgery has been written by various experts in the field of surgery and has been written specifically for healthcare students and patients. It tackles many topics such as definitions, purpose, diagnosis, aftercare, risks, mortality rates, and alternatives as well as many surgical techniques. The procedures and explanations are easy to read. The website works very well. So, I highly recommend this site as teacher, nurse or general public. Encyclopedia of Surgery.
4-Science Direct
Science Direct is a website in which it is possible to find journals and books which can be read online. It contains chapters of full books completely free. Especially those related to decontamination of instruments. I might use this website for another unit related to the post-surgery procedures. Science Direct.
5- World Precision Instruments
This website contains a list of different surgical instruments with their possible uses. It explains their technical use and the medical specialty in which they can be used. The website will be useful for my learners as it provides them with pictures and surgical procedures.
World Precision instruments.
6- Medscape Nurses
This is a very highly recommended website. It contains everything a Theatre Nurse needs to know as regards material, surgical procedures, equipment, and patient preparation.It is a fast website and provides very easy access to all the tools that are on offer. I just loved it!
7- The Free Dictionary
The free dictionary is a very well-known one. This section offers a medical dictionary, always useful for students to consult for general use. I will probably suggest this dictionary to my students.
The Free Dictionary.
8- Infection Control Today
This a website that provides information and solutions for nurses and health professionals. There are journals for nurses with the latest technologies in the field, changes in policies and research. There are many topics related to my unit of work and I think many of them will be of great interest to my learners.
Infection Control Today .
Retrieved from
2 https://www.sklarcorp.com/
3 https://www.surgeryencyclopedia.com/
4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/operating-room
5 https://www.wpiinc.com/support/manuals
6 https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1534281-periprocedure#b4
7 https://medicaldictionary.thefreedictionary.com/
8 www.infectioncontroltoday.com/view/asepsis-and-aseptic-practices-operating-room